OG-1000 cold cutting heating sealing bag making machine
We are generally widely used in bags for packing summer clothes such as shirts, skirts, trousers, trousers, towels, bread and accessories. Usually this kind of bag has self-adhesive stickers on OG-1000 cold cutting heating sealing bag making machine it, which can be directly sealed after being loaded into the product. This kind of bag is very popular in the domestic market and hHop thuc pham xopas a wHop thuc pham xopide range of Hop thuc pham xopOG-1000 cold cutting heating sealing bag making machine applications. Due to its high transparency, it is also ideal for wrapping gifts. This kind of bags is in great demand in Guangdong, especially in garment processing factories, cloth wHop thuc pham xopholesale markets, small commodity wholesale markets, and food industries. OG-1000 cold cutting heating sealing bag making machine In summer, a small-scale garment factory generally needs at least 1.5 million bags. If there is a pattern printed oHop thuc pham xopn this bag, its transparency and clarity of the pattern are unmatched by other plastic bags, which makes a powerful publicity for the company in promoting the brand.